Evolution after prosecution: Psychedelic APT41

Aragorn Tseng
TeamT5Aragorn is a malware researcher at TeamT5. He has worked on incident response and tracking APT campaigns in Taiwan's law enforcement agencies for two years. His research fields include malware analysis, incident response, APT campaign tracking and applying deep learning to cybersecurity issues. He has spoken at conferences including Black Hat Asia, CodeBlue, HITCON and JSAC.

Charles Li
TeamT5Charles is the Chief Analyst at TeamT5. He leads the TeamT5 analyst team in threat intelligence research. He has been studying cyber attacks and campaign tracking for more than 10 years. His research interests include vulnerability research, reverse engineering and APT attacks. He often publishes research and gives training courses at security conferences.

Peter Syu
TeamT5Peter is a security researcher at TeamT5. Peter's research mainly focuses on incident response and malware analysis. Some of his work has been presented at international security conferences.

Tom Lai
TeamT5Tom is a security engineer at TeamT5. Tom's research mainly focuses on incident response and malware analysis. Some of his work has been presented at international security conferences.