Operation Newton: Hi Kimsuky? Did an Apple(seed) really fall on Newton’s head?

Jaeki Kim
S2WJaeki Kim is a principal researcher at TALON, S2W. He graduated from the 'Next Generation of Top Security Leader Program' (Best of Best, BoB) at the Korea Information Technology Institute (KITRI) in 2013, and holds a Master's degree from Korea University's Security Analysis and Evaluation Lab. Before joining the S2W, he worked as part of the Computer Emergency Analysis Team of the Financial Security Institute and was the main author of "Campaign DOKKAEBI: Documents of Korean and Evil Binary", published by FSI in 2018. In 2020, He joined S2W and is currently working in TALON (the Cyber Threat Intelligence Group), and now also works as a mentor for KITRI's BoB program. He has previously presented at Virus Bulletin (2018,2019) and ISCR (International Symposium on Cybercrime Response).

Sojun Ryu
S2WSojun Ryu graduated from the 'Next Generation of Top Security Leader Program' (Best of Best, BoB) at the Korea Information Technology Institute (KITRI) in 2013, and holds a Master's degree in information security from Sungkyunkwan University in Korea. Sojun worked at KrCERT/CC for seven years, analysing malware and responding to incidents, and is one of the authors of "Operation Bookcodes" published by KrCERT/CC in 2020. Recently, Sojun has been focusing on threat intelligence by expanding to DDW and cybercrime as well as APT at TALON, S2W.

Kyoung-ju Kwak
S2WKyoung-ju Kwak is a director at TALON, CTI Group of S2W. Kyoung-ju currently works on threat intelligence. Kyoung-ju was previously Adjunct Professor at Sungkyunkwan University and audited the National SCADA system and the Ministry of Land with “the Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea” as an Auditor General in 2016. He currently acts as a member of the National Police Agency Cybercrime Advisory Committee. Kyoung-ju is the main author of the threat intelligence report “Campaign Rifle: Andariel, the Maiden of Anguish”, published in 2017. He has spoken at various international conferences such as BlackHat Europe, BlackHat Asia, Kaspersky SAS, HITCON, PACSEC, and more.