Where is the cuckoo egg?

Ryuichi Tanabe
NTT Security (Japan) KKRyuichi Tanabe is a SOC analyst at NTT Security (Japan) KK. Currently, his main duty is responding to EDR detection, but he also works as a malware analysis researcher. Now his interest is malware families related to APT attacks targeting East Asia. Previously he worked as a web programmer, but he changed his career to become a SOC engineer in 2012. Since then, he has specialized in SOC related works.

Hajime Takai
NTT Security (Japan) KKHajime Takai currently works as a SOC analyst and a malware researcher at NTT Security (Japan) KK. He joined NTT Security in 2016, before which he worked for five years as a software engineer. He contributes to the NTT Security blog about malware research. He has written a white paper about Taidoor (in Japanese) and Tmanger. In addition, he has presented at VB2020 and Japan Security Analyst Conference 2020/2021. He loves mahjong.

Rintaro Koike
NTT Security (Japan) KKRintaro Koike is a security analyst at NTT Security (Japan) KK. He is engaged in SOC and malware analysis. In addition, he is the founder of "nao_sec" and is in charge of threat research. He focuses on APT attacks targeting East Asia and web-based attacks. He has been a speaker at VB, JSAC, Black Hat USA Arsenal and others.